Nowy wymiar hydrotechniki

Modern design office specializing in the implementation of BIM methodology in hydraulic engineering

HydroBIM News

How Does AECOM Assess the Cooperation With HydroBIM?

HydroBIM and AECOM’s cooperation on flood protection projects in southern Poland is discussed with Director Monika Irlik-Piwowar and Deputy Director Barbara Chammas, who head the Water Resources, Environment and Energy Department at AECOM Polska Sp. z o.o.The occasion for the conversation is the completion of major flood protection projects in Sandomierz and Tarnów, where HydroBIM […]

Digital Twin for The Port of Gdynia Authority

Port of Gdynia Authority SA and a consortium led by HydroBIM sp. z o.o. concluded a contract on 5 August 2022 for the implementation of the Information Management System ‘Digital Twin” of the Port of Gdynia. The undertaking, implemented using BIM technology, is aimed at building an IT system to support effective management of digital […]

Central Communication Port – CPK Railway Hub

In September 2024, a contract was signed for the design of the first phase of the CPK railway hub, to be executed by the consortium of Elkol and Mosty Katowice. The task includes preparing design documentation and obtaining necessary construction permits. HydroBIM is responsible for the hydro technical aspects of this section. What is the […]

Dewatering and Drainage in Linear Infrastructure Projects

In linear infrastructure projects, such as roads or railways, drainage and dewatering protect these structures from damage and contribute to improved stormwater management. The design of drainage and drainage systems is part of HydroBIM’s catalogue of services. It is part of our responsibility, among other things, as a subcontractor for water engineering works on the […]

Flood Retention Reservoirs in the Flood Protection System

Climate change and urbanisation are increasing the risk of flood and drought phenomena. Retention reservoirs are one effective solution to manage rainwater. The experience of September 2024 has shown that the construction of large retention reservoirs makes sense. Despite the high costs, including environmental costs, the construction of new reservoirs, which play an important role […]

Climate Change Adaptation and Water Management

The intensification of extreme weather events, such as heavy rainfall or prolonged droughts, is leading to increasing risks. The climate is changing before our eyes and I don’t think anyone doubts that this is the ‘new normal’. How do we meet these challenges? What is climate change adaptation and how does the use of advanced […]

Amphibian Breeding Tanks

Amphibians live in two environments. Although most species live on land, almost all amphibians lay their eggs and undergo their larval stage in water. Hence, the design of amphibian breeding tanks is important when building new roads or railways. The construction of linear infrastructure often involves the removal of existing water bodies, which are breeding […]

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