Nowy wymiar hydrotechniki

Modern design office specializing in the implementation of BIM methodology in hydraulic engineering

Dewatering and Drainage in Linear Infrastructure Projects

odwodnienia i drenaże

In linear infrastructure projects, such as roads or railways, drainage and dewatering protect these structures from damage and contribute to improved stormwater management. The design of drainage and drainage systems is part of HydroBIM’s catalogue of services. It is part of our responsibility, among other things, as a subcontractor for water engineering works on the designed railway sections of the CPK.


  • Dewatering systems are intended to lower the groundwater level in order to drain the land. They are used, among others, on construction sites to allow earthworks and foundations to be carried out below the original groundwater level.
  • Drains are a system of drainage pipes laid below the surface of the ground that collect groundwater and discharge it into a receiving body (e.g. ditch, pond).

Drains and dewatering prevent erosion, flooding and damage to infrastructure. Their proper design and implementation is essential to ensure the long-term sustainability and functionality of infrastructure projects.

Under the Water Act, all drainage projects must comply with the Flood Protection and Stormwater Management Regulations. This law requires that the relevant water consents are obtained and that standards for the protection of the water environment are adhered to.

Types of drainage used in linear projects

Surface drains:

  • Ditches and swales are used to collect and drain water from the land surface. They are simple structures that effectively divert water into retention basins or natural watercourses.
  • Retention basins store rainwater, reducing the risk of flooding, and allow it to be used at a later date, such as for irrigation of green spaces.

Underground drainage:

  • French drainage consists of perforated pipes surrounded by gravel, allowing water to flow and infiltrate into the ground.
  • The infiltration boxes of these systems allow water to soak in, reducing the load on sewer systems.
  • Pipe systems are networks of pipes that discharge water into sewer systems or directly into natural watercourses.
  • Absorption wells are vertical structures that allow water to infiltrate into deeper ground layers, promoting groundwater recharge.

Designing drainage and dewatering systems – how do we do it in HydroBIM?

Before designing drainage and drainage systems, we carry out a detailed site analysis and assessment of investment requirements. We take into account existing infrastructure, terrain and hydrological conditions.

We use advanced hydrological modelling tools such as SCALGO and HEC-HMS to analyse rainwater flows, water accumulation areas and plan drainage structures accordingly, such as:

  • Drainage ditches – storage reservoirs – receiving bodies (watercourses).
  • Drainage ditches – retention basins – blue-green infrastructure.

We use 2D modelling software such as HEC-RAS and SWMM to simulate the operation of drainage systems. Hydrodynamic models enable:

  • Selecting optimum parameters for the components of drainage systems.
  • Mapping the operation of drainage systems by means of simulation.
  • Identification of areas at risk of flooding.

HydroBIM’s priority is to manage rainwater on site.

Challenges in drainage and drainage design

The design of drainage and drainage systems presents numerous technical and environmental challenges. Spatial constraints, conflicts with existing infrastructure and environmental requirements often present significant obstacles.

In such cases, it is the task of HydroBIM designers to optimally adapt the design to the actual situation and to use existing facilities rather than replacing them with new ones.

In the context of climate change, especially in the era of flash floods, flood risk management becomes of paramount importance. Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) design solutions can minimise the effects of flooding and increase the resilience of infrastructure.

According to the Water Law, all drainage and drainage projects must be agreed with Water of Poland. This process includes obtaining water rights approvals and meeting water environment protection requirements.

Benefits of properly designed drainage and drainage systems

Properly designed drainage and drainage systems:

  • protect infrastructure from water damage, reducing maintenance and repair costs;
  • reduce the risk of accidents caused by flooding;
  • improve the comfort of infrastructure users;
  • NBS supports ecosystem protection, improves water quality and enhances biodiversity.

Drainage and drainage in infrastructure projects – summary

Effective stormwater management in linear infrastructure projects is fundamental to ensuring the sustainability, functionality and safety of these structures.

With modern technology and an integrated design approach, we at HydroBIM design efficient and sustainable drainage and drainage systems.

If you would like to make use of our knowledge and experience in the design of drainage and drainage systems, which we have gained, for example, in the Tarnow flood protection project or Central Communication Port projects,

Contact us if you are in search of support in solving water engineering problems in your project.

Dewatering and Drainage in Linear Infrastructure Projects
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